
2019 Blogging Goals


I didn’t think I was going to make this type of post. I’m still learning the art of setting goals and figuring out what works best for me. Plus, a lot of them are more abstract and over various points of my life. But I got to thinking and I do have some things I want to work on blog wise 2019! Plus, I don’t plan on doing any other posts end of the year/new year posts. I’ve shied away from the best books of 2018 and most anticipated 2019 books since I really, really didn’t want to forget anything! There are just so many books and I want to give all of them the amount of love they deserve! Anyway, I thought this would be something in the middle that I feel comfortable doing.

So, I want to keep blogging. I know that sounds obvious haha, but I’ve found that I really, really enjoy it. It’s such an amazing creative outlet for me and I’ve met so many incredible people through it. I love thinking of posts and writing posts and putting them together. I want to keep doing that.

I want to create content that I’m proud of. I’m not quite sure what this means yet, but I just want to be proud and know that everything I’m putting out is the best possible thing it can be. I don’t want to put a lot of pressure on myself, so I think this one is going to take some balance. I read other people’s posts and they seem so together and awesome and I feel a little bit like a hot mess. I want to work on that. I want to look at my content and know that it’s the best that I can do and not compare it to someone else’s.

I’d like to clean up my blog! It’s a little plain and while I do enjoy the minimal aspect of it, I’m trying to come up with ways to add a little flare. I know I want to try and create a header/banner of some kind so it’s not just the orange words on the homepage. I’m not quite sure how I’m going to do that considering my editing skills are pretty much non existent. I’M GONNA TRY THOUGH.

Most times, I try to comment on a least one post a day. I want to keep doing that! For me, it’s a great way to be active in the community and really adsorb people’s amazing work!

I’d also like to work on my conclusions. And my introductions a little. I’m sort of just “here’s the post!” and “alright thanks”. I wanna try to be a little more in depth haha.

I have three author interviews lined up for this year so far and I’m going to try my best not to freak about that fact. So, I’m going to try my gosh darn best to be as professional as possible and come up with the best questions that I can. And even though it terrifies me, I want to do more of that. I want to reach out to more authors about highlights on my blog. I absolutely love that I get to promote books and if I can work with an author to do that, I dunno I think I’ll just internally scream a lot.

I want to end this post with a huge thank you to anyone who has every liked, commented, read, or skimmed my blog or a post of mine. It means the world. I’m so happy I have the chance to be a blogger and create the content that I do. You’re all awesome.

Thank you for reading!

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